3 Things You Can Do To Help Ensure That Your Vehicle Passes Its Next Smog Test

Worried about your vehicle failing an upcoming smog test? Here is what you can do to help ensure a passing grade:

Schedule a Tune Up

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that your vehicle passes its smog inspection is to schedule a tune-up, especially if your check engine light is on. You likely won't pass your smog test if the check engine light is on, or if your vehicle doesn't seem to be running as smoothly as it did last time you passed the test. Take your vehicle to a repair shop that specializes in smog compliance, as they'll know exactly what needs to be checked, repaired, and replaced in order to get the vehicle prepared for a passing test. Your service provider should also be able to do a pre-inspection that mimics the testing that will be done during your official smog check.

If your vehicle can't pass the pre-inspection, it won't pass the official inspection. But failing the pre-inspection isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it will give your service provider a chance to make any changes or repairs needed to pass that they may have overlooked during the tune-up. Schedule your tune-up for just a week or so before you plan to take the smog test to ensure that your vehicle still performs as well as it did when it left the auto shop.

Invest in Fuel Additives

Another prep step to consider taking before heading in for your smog inspection is investing in fuel additives to put into your vehicle's gas tank. You'll find a variety of additives available on the market that are designed to clean out your fuel tank and lines and reduce the amount of emissions that your vehicle produces when it's driven. And fuel additives can do more than just help you pass your smog test – you may also enjoy one or more of the following benefits:

  • Better gas mileage.

  • Optimized fuel system performance and a lesser chance of needing future repairs.

  • Reduced wear and tear on other components of your vehicle that are associated with the fuel system.

Do Some Extra Driving

It's also a good idea to do a little extra driving during the days before your smog test is supposed to take place. Driving your vehicle on the highway for a few extra minutes each day will help clean your vehicle's system out and get rid of any emissions that are still lingering in the fuel lines after adding additives to it. You should also drive your vehicle for several minutes right before taking your vehicle in for the smog inspection to warm the catalytic converter up so it burns off any oil or gas residues that might be lurking in your engine.

To learn more, visit a website like http://www.westcoastsmogtest.com,

467 Words

About Me

Saving Power Every Day After we moved into a house, I realized that we were really going to struggle to make ends meet. We didn't really know what to expect, but when we got our first power bill, we realized just how much we had to do. We started focusing on saving power every day by going through and turning off additional appliances, and it really helped us to make a difference with our energy spending. I wanted to start a new website about saving power and protecting the environment, so here you are. I hope you find these articles just as interesting and informative as I do.



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